TEDx Talks: „Jak metaverse, wirtualna rzeczywistość i sztuczna inteligencja rewolucjonizują biznes”

TEDx Talk: „How the Metaverse, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence Are Revolutionizing Business”

Dear Sir/Madam,

Let me begin with the guiding thought behind my TEDx Talk: let’s work to ensure that our curiosity about the world is not stifled by fear of the unknown. This applies just as much to virtual technologies and AI. They have so much to offer, both in our personal and professional lives. So, let’s take a bold step forward toward innovation, because there’s so much to gain for all of us.

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As I stood backstage at the Stary Theatre in Lublin, counting down the minutes before stepping onto the iconic „red dot” of the TEDx stage, I felt calm, smiling, and eager to share what I had prepared. I wanted to be serious—I thought I’d wait a moment, pause, and make a composed start. How did that go? Well, there was a pause, but my enthusiasm won over. I simply stood there, smiling warmly at the audience, and they smiled back. Then, suddenly, applause broke out before I’d even said a word.

It was such a heartwarming welcome, and that feeling stayed with me throughout the entire experience. From working with the amazing TEDx Lublin team to craft my talk, to sharing emotions and excitement with my fellow speakers, to connecting with the audience — people who paid good money to be there — it was an incredible journey.

The joy continued in every interaction: with the organizers, during the celebration afterward, and even in the early hours of the next morning. It was particularly meaningful for me because this event took place in my hometown of Lublin. TEDx, for me, was a celebration of relationships, energy, and the exchange of ideas. It was a space to connect with people who think the same as me, and with those who think differently, which only made it all the more fascinating.

This was a deeply emotional and positive time, and I hope you can feel that same energy as you watch my talk. Let it inspire you to forge new and exciting connections between the potential of technological innovation and your passions—both in your professional and personal life.

Warm regards,
Andrzej Horoch

TEDx images captured by Katarzyna Szawłoga

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The Metaverse represents a revolutionary stage in digital transformation, offering society new, inspiring possibilities for interaction, communication, and experiences. It is estimated that the Polish Metaverse market could be worth between 5 and 10 billion euros by 2035, according to calculations by Meta. Its annual growth could even reach nearly 40 percent, making Metaverse technology one of the most promising and profitable areas. Therefore, every company and enterprise should have its own Metaverse strategy to fully capitalize on this opportunity. However, it is important to understand that it involves much more than just technology. It marks a new era of digital society, where the boundaries between reality and virtuality are becoming increasingly fluid. At the heart of the Metaverse lie critical, cooperative technologies: VR, AR, and AI. Discover the limitless possibilities of Metaverse technologies through our 'Innovators’ podcast series, insightful articles, and exclusive interviews with pioneers.

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Let’s not allow fear to stifle our curiosity about the world of innovation. Fear of the unknown, lack of education about the potential benefits, and resistance to change often hold people back. However, embracing innovation can open doors to unprecedented opportunities in both personal and professional spheres.