We have prepared 7 expert lifefahacks for you to help you recognize when great visions can limit innovation in your company.

1. Delegating responsibility. 

A vision needs a specific person to implement it. Otherwise, such a project will be neglected in the team. The aspirations of the entire company are not enough. A personal sense of responsibility for implementing innovation is key.

2. Own beliefs.

The vast majority of innovations are built on the level of conviction of their creators. Let’s call it their intuition. But do the ideas of innovators and the expectations of innovation recipients go hand in hand? Check. The effects of such an exercise may surprise you.

3. New ones are introduced, and everything in the company is… old.

A bit like trying to upload the latest software to an old computer. Therefore, working on an organization’s digital readiness should go hand in hand with a vision of innovation. For the sake of clarity – this is an incentive to act.

4. You’ve got the power! Work! (or create a place for them).

Entanglement in the piling up of approvals and signatures can put any project. Life shows that the ability to break through personally and “arrange” innovation in a company by a specific person is the key to success in most impressive implementations.

5. Do it to increase profit in your company.

Failure to demonstrate this connection kills innovation in the company.

6. Managing expectations.

Many of the introduced innovations remain at the stage of implementation in the organization. There was no patience. Idea what to do next. Immediate effects were expected. Innovation gets red light, then the competition does the same six months later and wins. Therefore, it is important to take the time to select the appropriate KPIs that will take into account broad thinking about the stages of implementation also in the long term.

7. Big visions can take room for small ideas.

Do you know it? Sometimes you don’t talk about small ideas, because you will still be maneuvered into their implementation 🙂 And they can optimize the existing processes in your company. Therefore, it is important to create a clear formula for grassroots initiatives in order to draw knowledge and inspiration from them.

If you want to find out more, I encourage you to watch a free webinar on this topic.

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